Why You Should Learn Web Development

You might be hesitant about starting a career in web development. Maybe it's a trade you haven't considered yet. We've gathered seven reasons why you should learn web development to help you decide if it's the right career choice—heard of web development boot camps?
1 We're hiring! Check out our job listings.

Approximately 1.4 million computing jobs are expected to be open in 2020. Still, there are only 400,000 qualified developers to fill them, so those seeking a career in in-demand skills can benefit from acquiring web development and coding skills. It is safe to say there is high demand for web developers and that demand will continue. Web developers won't have to worry about finding jobs anytime soon.
2 Earn a high income

U.S. News & World Report reports that certified web developers earn an average pay of $76,790 in the United States. Salary should not be the only factor in deciding whether to learn web development. According to the 2017 U.S. Census Bureau, the average household income in the United States was $56,516.
3 Learning how to code doesn't take a lot of time.

There are several options for web dev education if you're serious about learning how to code. Doing a Computer Science degree, learning online, or attending a Bootcamp is possible. All these are great options; it depends on how quickly you want to enter the workforce. In 13 weeks, you can learn how to code and code well. There are 13 weeks left! The 13-week Bootcamp experience will be intense, but you will have people dedicated to your success in learning and finding a job. It won't be long before you're in a career you love!
4 You can work from anywhere

Imagine working whenever and wherever you want. An internet connection and a laptop are all you need to develop websites. If you prefer, you can find remote jobs, but not all jobs are remote.
5. Work for an excellent tech company

Right now, technology is the place to be. Due to the high demand for web developers and a shortage of qualified developers, tech companies make work very comfortable and enjoyable. As a web developer, working for a tech company will give you free food, ping pong, and awesome coworkers.
6 Freelance Opportunities Are Always Available

Being a freelance web developer is an excellent option if you like to take on projects on your terms. You will find plenty of freelance opportunities in the web development community once you join. If you are coming out of Bootcamp, If you work for $50 an hour, you can charge.
7 You'll enjoy it, and you'll be creative

The internet provides you with a platform to express yourself creatively. Discover your web development skills by experimenting with an idea you have. It's fun and creative to work on the web.
A career decision is never easy, especially when you don't know the outcome after investing time and money into learning a new trade. If you're ready to have an exciting career in code, a web developer's high-demand, easy-to-learn, fun-to-experience life is a great choice.