Top 10 Reasons to choose PHP for Web Development.
PHP Development January 31, 2017
PHP is one of the foremost loved and common server side scripting languages that square measure wide used for making websites. PHP has become the most popular website developer selection with quicker turnaround time, increased security, and affordability.
Here are some reasons you should choose PHP scripting language for web development.
- Powerful, Flexible and Scalable
- Diverse Frameworks
- Huge Standard Library
- All Things we can do with PHP
- Low Cost
- Extensions
- Cross Platforms
- Boasts Simplicity
- User-friendly
- Prominent in CMS
1-Powerful, Flexible and Scalable
Facebook, the largest and most powerful social media platform, runs on PHP. Facebook has even created a PHP derivative language named "Hack" to meet the emerging needs of the giant's content management needs.
This shows the level of flexibility, robustness, and scalability that is built into PHP. That's Why PHP is the best and most powerful language for development.
2- Diverse Frameworks

PHP is ready to deliver rapid turnaround times due to its sufficiently massive family of PHP frameworks. These range from the enterprise level Zend and Yii frameworks, all-rounder Laravel and Symfony, performance optimizers like Falcon and PHPixie for speedy application designs, or Code igniter for more robust ones.
3- Huge Standard Library
What differentiates a good programing language from an excellent one is the extent of its standard library. Libraries play an essential role in simplifying and rushing the information process.
4- All Things we can do with PHP
PHP is the most liked language for CMS development because it can be customized to match customer desires. Websites with PHP support have quicker data processing options that add impetus to their functions.
5- Low Cost

PHP is easily accessible and available online absolutely free. All over the world, most developers use PHP for development because it's free, simple and low-cost framework for development.
6- Extensions

With all of the options previously mentioned, PHP may offer countless extensions and permit the user, designer, or developer to see whether their investments are well placed.
7- Cross Platforms

PHP is ready to conduct operations across numerous platforms because it operates on a UNIX system, LINUX, and Windows systems and can also interface with MySQL and Apache. That's why PHP is a suggested script language to utilize.
8- Boasts Simplicity

With PHP, coding is like writing an essay in English for a computer to browse, except the essay is a piece of code that instructs it to form and run websites within the best manner potential.
Making a code in PHP is easy. Although you'll hear some developers protesting that this doesn't build the required coding habits that streamline (read standardizes) coding, it permits the code to be highly customized (and thus easier to protect).
9- User-Friendly

PHP is one of the most standard web designing tools used these days and offers attractive features and website functionality without importing or entering a vast quantity of committal to writing. Not only will PHP provide all of this, but it's also extraordinarily secure, even daring to mention over each different web design script.
10- Prominent in CMS

PHP is entirely accessible to CMS programs and can help web designers/developers match their client's needs more fabulously.
PHP will continue to grow due to its growing network in the developer community and will always stay updated and ahead of the times.
The compelling infrastructure and clean codes have made PHP the favored language for significant websites and successfully running web application development.
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